Email Marketing Can Boost Your Profits on Auto-Pilot!
A permission-based automatic follow-up system for your web site can increase sales dramatically, boost your efficiency, and save you loads of time.
In short, a follow-up autoresponder is an automated “email-on-demand” system that automatically responds to e-mails sent to your domain or when a form is completed on one of your web pages.
Follow-up autorsponders reply with a pre-written email message. For a long time, functionality of autoresponders was very limited in that you could only receive one message back. That made autoresponders a great way to send information, but they weren’t too effective at increasing sales.
Why wasn’t it effective?
Because it normally takes around 5 to 7 exposures to a product or service before most people will buy!
So clearly, creating only one exposure with a single autoresponder message wasn’t getting the job done – potential customers simply weren’t being exposed enough to the product. Not only that but the two vital ingredients for a sale were not there – trust and credibility
With Dream Mail Marketer, you can automatically send a series of pre-written followup messages that are almost certain to boost your response rate.
Here’s how it’s done today:
You set up a series of messages that are sent to your prospect over a set number of days. For example, message #1 may go out immediately, message #2 in two days, #3 three days later, and so on.
By doing so, you can “stagger” your contacts with your potential customer and not overwhelm them, but at the same time, you’re making those vital exposures needed to close the sale.
Does email still work?
Absolutely! That being said, Deliverability and Value are HUGE factors that affect your email campaign. Dream Mail Marketer can deliver your message to almost 100% of your list, but your open rates are dependent upon whether your recipients perceive that there be value in the content or that it will be a waste of their time.
But no worries!..
Our training courses will teach you how to setup and run effective email campaigns that reach your target market with content that produces increased sales.